

Recruiter of the Month: Rosemaree Ellis

For August, we would like to congratulate Rosemaree Ellis as TalentVine’s Recruiter of the Month!

Agency: Stenhouse
Location: Brisbane
Specialised Industries: Sales, Administration and Office Support
Employer Rating: 9.8
Placed Roles through TalentVine:
Customer Advisor – Return to work,
Administration Officer

Tell us about your journey as a recruiter

Having completed a Bachelor of Human Resources, I secured a HR Graduate position before joining the recruitment industry in 1988. Yes, that does equate to over 30 years in the recruitment industry! In 2003, I took over the ownership of Stenhouse Recruitment, Brisbane. For me, recruitment has been an enormous roller-coaster with so many highs and the occasional low (recession, GFC and now COVID), however, I would not swap it for anything. Yes, the hours can be long, however, the satisfaction of assisting a company, attract the best talent, and providing opportunities to our wonderful candidates is rewarding and ever changing and I enjoy the challenge. Building and maintaining long term partnerships with our customers is what drives our business success.

What changes do you see happening in the recruitment industry in the next 12 months?

What we traditionally would see after a downturn is a very slow return to business as usual with the exception of some pockets. With technological advancement and the ability of many businesses to continue working whilst in isolation, we may see a quicker bounce back. That is the hope! I believe we will continue to see a hybrid model of office-based work and work from home. Businesses who are able to adapt to this hybrid model will be likely to bounce more quickly and be in a better position to attract top talent. The hybrid model does have its challenges for recruiters and employers but it is this adaptation that will inspire business opportunities.

The temporary/contract market would normally recover more quickly than permanent employment with companies preferring to take a cautious approach, however, given the challenges of hybrid working in addition to the changing legal landscape of employing staff on long term temporary contracts, I believe we may see an earlier upswing to permanent staffing. People are looking for greater security, so top talent, who may be cautious to move, may be more attracted to permanent opportunities.

The recruitment process also needs to be quick (without compromising quality) as we are already witnessing unemployed candidates taking the first job offered rather than waiting for their preferred job due the uncertain job market.

What we have learnt from history is that recruiters are a resilient bunch of positive thinkers who are able to adapt quickly to change. Some may call it pivoting, we call it business as usual.

What's one piece of advice you'd give to employers?

Work exclusively with an agency and build a relationship with a recruiter. The resounding sentiment in the industry is that partnering with one or a very small number of recruiters will reap you rewards of a quality shortlist of candidates in addition to better fees and in most cases greater guarantee provisions! The reason for this is that the best recruiters, who have the connections and experience, do not engage in the ‘race to the bottom’ involved in a multi-list job situation. They will channel their efforts to the jobs they are working on exclusively first.
Multi-listing a job with many recruitment organisations can result in employers spending more time in the recruitment process having to brief many agencies, screen the multitude of resume received and interview more candidates to qualify suitability (a job normally undertaken by the recruiter). There is no cost benefit to this additional work as a full recruitment fee is still payable to the agency who presented the successful candidate.
Many recruiters, including Stenhouse, provide a ‘Lite’ recruitment model where employers can choose the parts of the recruitment process they outsource. Employers who prefer looking at many resumes, to get a feel for the market, do not need to engage with many recruiters and pay a full recruitment fee, they can engage with one, at a reduced fee, and work the way they choose.
One size does not fit all so the best advice is to build a relationship with one or a small number of recruiters who can represent your company professionally, are experienced in your sector and can adapt their services to suit your needs.

TalentVine – The Trusted Recruitment Marketplace 

Did you like this article? You can also read about other superstars who have previously been nominated as Recruiter of the Month here
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