Guess what?
It’s 2021 and machines have still not eliminated recruiters. Who would have thought!
If anything, demand for the invaluable white-glove service that specialist recruiters are able to provide is increasing.
We are proud to be one of the HR tech platforms that are not trying to eliminate recruiters, we are just making it easier to identify and work with the best recruiters in the market whilst providing efficiencies around how employers can access the talent that you already have available.
We are incredibly grateful for the time, effort and belief that you’ve put into TalentVine. We want to see all recruiters getting a clear ROI from their time invested into using the platform and as such, we have compiled some of the top tips that will make you stand out.
Like all marketplaces, there are some users that thrive and others that don’t get much traction. The suggestions below are regularly followed by the recruiters that bill in the top 10%.
The first impression
Employers get to see your name, agency, bio and agency website.
Have you used a professional, warm and engaging photo?
Does your bio bring your unique attributes to light? You should highlight your background, specialisations and experience as opposed to a generic copy/paste from the ‘about us’ section of your website.
Your Agency Website
Does your website look professional?
If you’re bidding for an engineering role then your agency should clearly say that this is an area that you specialise in.
If you’re bidding to work on a digital marketing specialist role but your own website isn’t optimised for mobile, will the employer feel confident of you reaching out to digital specialist candidates as an extension of their brand?
TalentVine are friends with a number of web agencies that specialise in recruiter websites so let us know if you’d like an introduction.
Ratings Make A Huge Difference!
Talent Acquisition teams want to be confident they are hiring the right candidates and they also want to be confident that they are engaging with a well-rated recruiter.
If you’ve been on TalentVine for a while then you’ll already have some ratings and metrics from employers that have engaged with you previously.
However, if you’re newer to the platform or you’re looking to boost your profile even more then we can’t stress enough how important it is to have ratings and recommendations on your profile.
Do we see recruiters get selected without ratings?
Yes we do, but this is at a rate 4x below those that have ratings.
To add ratings, please go to your dashboard and on the left-hand menu select ‘Add Ratings’. Alternatively, this can be done via this link. These ratings and feedback will then be shown on your profile enabling you to compete on an even level with some of TalentVine’s early adopters.
Given that you will be asking your most trusted clients to provide you with ratings on TalentVine, we want to stress that they will not receive any marketing from us. Please ask them in one month and again in six months if they’ve ever heard from TalentVine and the answer will be no. We are proud of our ethical reputation and have every intention to maintain this.
Is this a race to the bottom?
There is no denying that price does play a part in the selections that employers make, but on average the winning fee is 3% above the lowest fee being offered which shows that employers don’t gravitate towards the cheapest offers. In a typical month we will see recruiters making hires between the 10% and 18% price mark dependent on role type.
Employers know that the true cost of recruitment is not the recruitment fee but the actual cost is getting the hire wrong. Our platform has been created to make it easy for employers to identify and work with the right specialist recruiter so that they can make the right hire.
Recruiters with a profile history like this…
….are often stuck offering low fees to try and get some traction. This is because they have bid on a wide range of roles that are not in their area of specialisation and therefore have not been able to make the hires that give employers the confidence to work with them. Because they have been unable to deliver after bidding on a role, their ratings are low and this will continue to make it hard to get selected for more roles.
In contrast, below we can see a strong profile of a recruiter that has been able to make consistent and successful hires within their niche area of specialisation. Because of their strong ratings, they are able to command higher fees as they only bid on roles that they feel confident that they can hire.
A proportion of recruiters on TalentVine regularly invoice over $100,000 a year, the record being $237,000 in 12 months. All of these recruiters follow the above strategy and most importantly, they started their TalentVine journey by getting external ratings added to their TalentVine profile.
TalentVine is not for everyone
We are a marketplace and the unfortunate reality is that a model like this does not work for all recruiters. Each month we will have a recruiter asking to be removed from TalentVine because they feel they are not getting an ROI from their time they are put into bids.
And the likelihood is that they would have been suitable to help the client on a number of those roles but they are not getting selected as they are not crafting a compelling bid and they haven’t added any ratings.
Placing a bid on TalentVine should always be much easier and quicker than researching a role, calling a new client, getting past the gatekeeper and wooing the Hiring Manager. When it comes to placing bids, this is what we have seen across 2017:
- One in three recruiters are selected on their first bid when they have external ratings.
- 83% of consultants make a placement within their first ten bids.
Make sure the most suitable recruiter in your agency is bidding and working on the role
The agencies that win the most roles are doing so because they ensure the right consultant is bidding on the right role. Feedback from employers is that they often see a consultant has bid on a role yet when viewing the LinkedIn profile or website of the recruiter, they actually lack the domain expertise to do the role justice. And if your profile is going to be compared side by side with a consultant that is a domain expert, then they are more likely to be selected for that role.
Therefore, please use the recently released admin functionality on the platform to invite, add or bid on behalf of someone else in the agency who is most likely to provide the client with the best specialist experience.
State of Origin
Having a consultant who is based in the same state that the role is based does increase the likelihood of that agency being selected. We often do still see consultants getting selected and placing interstate roles but it’s disappointing when we see a consultant placing a bid on an interstate role when we know that their agency has someone very capable with local networks in the same state where the role is based.
PSA and Marketplace Roles
What type of roles will you see coming through TalentVine? We have some of Australia’s largest enterprise employers that use TalentVine as their PSA and we also have very early-stage companies looking to make their first hire. You’ll see a wide range of employers looking to help and hopefully you’ll be able to assist your choice of employer through TalentVine.
We Are Here to Help
If you have any questions or feedback then please don’t hesitate to reach out to the team on 1300 940 459 or