Take a look at the picture below. Which recruiter would you choose to work with? They all look pretty good, so maybe you should work with all three? Or would just one consultant be better?
TalentVine makes it simple to decide which recruiter to work with. However, with the depth of quality available, it can be tough to decide whether you should work with a recruiter exclusively, or more than one non-exclusively. There are benefits to both approaches, and the decision ultimately depends on the complexity of the role, the depth of the candidate market, your budget and the urgency to fill the role.
On TalentVine, we find that our employers choose to work exclusively 60% of the time, and 40% non-exclusive. Of the successful hires on TalentVine, 34% are from non-exclusive roles and 66% are exclusive so the evidence does show that exclusive recruitment tends to be more effective.
However, each approach has its own advantages. In this article, we’ll explore the pros of each style and provide guidance on when to use each.
What Does Exclusive and Non-Exclusive Recruitment Mean?
Before we get started, we’d better define what these two terms mean.
Basically, if you’re only working with one recruitment agency/consultant to hire your role, you are working exclusively. If you are working with any more than two consultants, then you are working non-exclusively.
However, we generally recommend a maximum of three to avoid wasted time through duplication of effort, coordination, and overlapping searches.
On TalentVine, consultants can offer different fees based on if they are selected exclusively or non-exclusively. Some may also choose to only work exclusively on roles.
Pros of an Exclusive recruiter
- Lower fees:
Most recruiters will offer you a lower recruitment fee for the chance to work exclusively. This is because there is no chance of another recruiter filling the role and their work being for nothing. - Building trust and confidence:
When recruiters are guaranteed exclusivity, they are able to dedicate more of their time and effort to your role without fear of wasted effort. - Focus on your brand:
Exclusive recruiters will have more time to gain an intimate understanding of your organisation and its brand, using this to provide more suitable candidates. - Confidentiality:
Exclusive partnerships can ensure greater confidentiality in sensitive hiring processes.
Pros of Non-Exclusive recruiters
- Larger candidate pool:
Working with multiple recruiters can expand the pool of potential candidates, increasing the chances of finding the perfect fit. - Diverse perspectives:
Multiple recruiters bring different approaches and perspectives, fostering creativity and a broader range of sourcing options. - Faster time-to-hire:
With multiple recruiters sourcing candidates simultaneously, the hiring process can be expedited, especially for high-volume roles.
When Would an Exclusive Partnership be the Better Option?
Here are some situations where exclusive recruitment may be the best approach:
Niche Roles: If you’re looking to fill a highly specialized or niche role, it may be better to work exclusively with a single recruiter. This is because multiple recruiters may be pulling from the same talent pool, which can lead to redundancies and inefficiencies. By working exclusively with one recruiter, you can tap into their specialised network and expertise in the field, increasing your chances of finding the right candidate quickly.
Small Organisations: For smaller organizations, partnering with one agent who genuinely understands your culture and values can be the way to go. An exclusive recruiter who is familiar with your organisation’s unique needs and values can better identify candidates who are a good fit for your team.
Limited Budget: If you’re concerned about the cost of hiring, exclusive recruitment can be a good option. By working with a single recruiter, you may be able to negotiate lower fees and reduce your overall recruiting costs.
A Focus on Employer Branding: If you want to build your employer brand and reputation in the industry, it may be worth working exclusively with a recruitment agency that has a good reputation in the field. This can help you attract high-quality candidates and position yourself as a desirable employer as that recruiter will be working as an extension of your brand.
When Would Non-Exclusive Recruitment be the Better Option?
Here are some situations where non-exclusive recruitment may be the best approach:
High-Volume Roles: If you need to fill a large number of roles at once, non-exclusive recruitment may be the way to go. By working with multiple recruiters simultaneously, you can increase the pool of potential candidates and expedite the hiring process.
Contract roles: If you need to hire a contract role where the cultural fit is less important and you just need a candidate with the skills and experience to perform a task, non-exclusve engagements will result in faster submission of contract talent, often in less than 24 hours.
Remote Roles: For remote roles, partnering with specialists from multiple cities or even countries can give you the largest pool of candidates available. For example, if you’re hiring for a FIFO role in rural Australia, having one recruiter searching in New South Wales and another in Victoria can maximise your search opportunities.
Generalist Roles: If you’re looking to fill a generalist role, working with multiple recruiters can be beneficial. This is because generalist roles tend to attract a larger pool of candidates that are able to perform the role, and working with multiple recruiters can help you cast a wider net and find the best candidates.
Fast Turnaround Needed: If you need to fill a high-demand role quickly, non-exclusive recruitment can be an effective strategy. By working with multiple recruiters, you can broaden the scope of the search and receive qualified candidates faster. There is a higher likelihood this way that a recruiter will have a candidate in their network that is ready to take the role at shorter notice.
Can I Do a Combination of Exclusive and Non-Exclusive?
You absolutely can. We often recommend to our clients that if you’re engaging with a recruiter exclusively, do so for a two-week period.
After this amount of time, employers are often confident that they’re on the right track working together and happy to continue on this exclusive engagement, or a couple more recruiters can be added to the mix. This can all be facilitated for you by the team at TalentVine.
Final Thoughts
Whether to work with a recruiter exclusively or non-exclusively depends on several factors. Employers should consider their specific needs, goals, and budget when deciding on the best recruiting strategy for their organisation. By carefully evaluating your options and partnering with the right recruiters, you can find the best talent for your organisation and get the best possible hiring outcomes.